
About is widely used among gamers. However, there is a lot of content and the design of the site is second thought. Here is my proposed redesign of the site.


3 Weeks

Summer 2017 (redesign of a redesign)




Original site design

Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 3.43.32 PM


1. Create a more organized layout

2. Condense navigation systems

3. Most wanted content easily accessible




Sketches & Wireframes

Landing Screen
Game Page


This original idea was create a tab system to be able to have more information on the homepage, with related content in each seperate tab system. The sales and other featured content would draw the eye for more sales. I also created a more concise navigation system without the side bar and condensed into two systems. This gave the site more over all screen real estate. 

So... Why did I do a redesign of a redesign?

Well... Can we just agree this first iteration needed to be redone?

No, but really. The black on red is too strong, it is misaligned, and could be better organized. From this iteration I learned a lot that went into the newer iteration, such as color balance, alignment, and organization of content. This iteration allowed me the ability to experiment with a tab system, which I originally thought would clean up the page a lot. However, it did not work out because wanted content was being hidden.


Final Thoughts

What didn't work?

Red- Red as an accent color on the dark background was harsh on the eyes and very stereotypically game-like. The colors were off brand from Valve's STEAM, and was too contrasting.

Background- The texture in the background was intended to make it more interesting and draw the eyes, also to make STEAM to stand out.

Tab system- The tab system was intended to be a way to organize information better, and keep it accessible on the homepage without being too much. This however ended up hiding more content than showing it, and in the sketches, it was intended to be just over half the page, using a grid. In this style, the information for each game was too small and took away from the games being the main focus.

Strong Points

This new design is much more modern and clean. It was a challenge to figure out how to manage so much content. However, after the first version, I found a better solution and I am very happy with the final product.  

Final Thoughts

The goal overall was to make STEAM more pleasurable to use. The green accent color was used as a more welcoming color than red, which is stereotypically game-like. Having three navigation systems made it difficult to find content and search for exactly what the user is looking for. 

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