
My sorority, Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc. was in need of a new database/website for all general members to access materials as our previously used website (Orgsync) was being sunset. I decided to aid in their search and make a flexible and intuitive site for our users and administration needs.


8 Months

Spring 2020


Designer, Wordpress builder

Final Designs

The "back end" side of things is private to the general members of our sorority. Please see below for screenshots of the private side.


Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 12.43.18 PM

Navigation accessible by logging in.

Events calendar - Allows any membership to contribute with their events locally so that members from other schools may attend and support! Calendar is embedded through Google Calendar.


The files page allows general members to access any materials they may need for various events or reference. Easily allows admin to switch out documentations and add new material as it comes about.

The forms page is set up like the files page to eliminate confusion and endless searching. Each form is connected to the respective Chair on the National Executive Board, which will send an email notification with each new submission. Analytics and submissions can also be viewed on the WP dashboard for review.


The Sigma Store- a central place for users to buy gear and register for events for Sigma Psi Zeta.



  • 2,000+ general members

  • 7 executive board members with specific needs and wants and 1 webmistress


1. Create a tool to access resources.

2. Promote membership support by raising awareness of the events other memberships are hosting that allow for SYZters to attend.

3. Create a space for registrations, dues, and gear to be sold in one spot.

4. Combine our public site with our new private database.


Create an easy-to-use website for all general members of a sorority. This website should support Greek Unity among our memberships and allow for easier access and a central spot for purchasing gear or registrations to national events.


These designs were made with minimalism in mind. Our previous service was extremely congested and was hard to find the necessary content. Content was also not broken up by category, making it hard to skim and search for the necessary items. With this new design, it is simple and easy to use, as well as adding new features that we did not have previously. 

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